Portable solar solutions

Co2 neutral

- Get Off The Grid: Let us help you with the transition to sustainable solar storage systems in your house using a portable backup system for solar in your window or in your company using an integrated solar backup system for solar on your roof. 

- Do you have children who need to study using a laptop and usb-c charger or are you working at home.

- Do you play music using electric instruments for a Gig live event and are you finished with loadshedding outages.

- Would you like free energy at lower costs and also create a future for your children. Choose for solar instead of oil/wood burning on your Braai for example, most devices also your Weber can make the transition to electric green power.

- We offer and support education on schools setting up a technical classroom corner for students to learn about Solar energy: Renting a solar system instead of buying is also an option to start & learn to make the transition and create awareness at young age about the advantages of solar energy. They need to vote and change local government to a new mindset to challenge solar companies and innovation.

- Looking for new students and re-cycle engineers to install renewable solar storage systems: We need innovation from our local Universities to change the mindset to Solar for a new sustainable economy and re-cycle all battery systems.

Research to reduce CO2 and get clean and free solar energy

Starting this page is based on the idea that we need to re-design our houses, buildings and economy to produce products based on solar energy.

- Why? Solar capacity of the sun is more than we are able to use together on this planet

Why Solar is enough?

How to start with free Solar?

Tips Q/A?

Solar energy is a good start

By using solar energy, fase out oil/wood and reducing

the co2 emission by re-planting forests we can start to

rollback what we created in waste and CO2 emission in the

last century by our economy world wide, We can restore the

natural balance of...

CO2 by restoring our green forest capacity. We are on the

wrong way for our childrens future by eating or burning our


...Save this beautiful planet with science coming from our

young new talented students and learned lessons. Is it possible 

to extend the lifetime of our planet to rollback the CO2 damage

by planting a young new forest? Yes. But that is by far not enough

to change also our economy world wide.

...Read the following links.



  • Solar on your house (24x7 energy)
  • Solar while travelling
  • Solar for your office
  • Solar on building walls / windows where the roof is too small
  • Solar in shadow is also efficient by placing 6 in shadow and 4 in the sun to get an longer day with effective sun hours to store in your Lithium ion battery solution
  • Look for a battery re-cycle company who will buy back your old battery for reuse (100%)

Contact us for questions 

We will update our Q/A page solar & recycle answers each month for new information.