Our goals
Work together with the local University to make the transition to solar energy above wind second choice and green hydrogen generated with nuclear energy as a third choice in the future.
- Solar energy from our Sun produces more energy than the whole planet Earth can consume incl. US/China/Europe/India.
- OffTheGrid transition worldwide by re-using solar space on Windows, Carports and Roofs, other options like Wind energy and Nuclear energy above have a much larger impact on the ecosystem on land/sea or create nuclear waste. Design buildings with integrated solar walls and windows.
More information: Send us a mail with your question. Help us to improve the solutions to get off the grid on solar and wind anywhere and select 100% recycled products. Your online choice make the difference, Thank you!!
Engineering using a sustainable design manifest
- no waste means we need to redesign components in our products instead of throwing away the complete product coming from China (because it is cheap)
- 100% recycled materials, look for information online before you buy: Check the 100% recycled logo
- Yes to 100% recycled packages or plastic choices which can be re-cycled
- No to throw garbage from ships in the oceans (because it is cheap) which at the end destroy the ecosystem for the ocean and our food including sustainable healthy fish: Provide in the harbour free disposal of garbage on land for arriving ships.
- No more wiping out animal & insects ecosystem by poison used by farmers making bio farming for humans and animals impossible in the near future
- No more burn down our rainforests for meat production, soi oil or palm oil
- Restore forests and buy bio farming products for the next generations (+15% in costs for healthy food but less waste). See also
- Joined investment BMW and Toyoto in Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology for cars
- List of offshore wind farms is growing
- Hydrogen infrastructure improved:
Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategies
University of Cambridge
Choose your university city as an example for students who like to invest in future jobs
Delft (NL)
Wageningen (NL)
Our research and education is subdivided into six sustainable themes: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Circular & Biobased Economy, Feeding The World and Nutrition & Health. The sixth theme, Artificial Intelligence, is a common thread that runs through all these themes
Boston (US)
Cambridge (UK)
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